FLECK condensate separator

Small hole with a large protective effect

A condensate separator is the solution to the return of condensation in the vent pipe, as it catches the condensate formed on the inside and forwards it onto the roof via a hole. This means that condensation no longer flows back into the insulation level or the ventilation pipe.

How a condensate separator works

If warm and humid outflowing air cools in a roof vent, the water condenses and deposits itself on the inside walls of pipes in the form of fine droplets.

A condensate separator (KWA) with a special, double-walled pipe system, makes sure that the condensation formed does now flow back in it.

Instead, it collects the water and forwards it onto the roof outside via a special hole.


FLECK optionally integrates the condensate separator in the upper pipe of the respective vent during production.

Condensation (also called condensate) is the name used to describe water that settles on cool surfaces if the air is cooled to below the dew point. This water formed in nature is called dew.

The advantages of a condensate separator at a glance

Especially on soaked flat roofs, use of release vents with condensate separator, such as the 4-in-1 CLASSIC flat roof vent, facilitates faster redrying, because condensation can no longer flow back into the insulation level.

Flat roof plumbing vents with condensate separator are the first choice for mechanical extract ventilation systems, as they reliably prevent potential damage of fans by excessing flowing back of condensation.

In the case of roof terminals up to 200, which blow highly loaded extract air, e.g. from extractor fans, into the open air, a condensate separator reliably prevents increased dripping back of possible condensate.

FLECK products with optional condensate separator

Condensate separator for retrofitting

Condensate separator retrofit kit for flat roof fan

For subsequent installation in a plumbing vent DN 125, DN 150 and DN 200.



Below roof condensate separator

For subsequent installation under the tile level of uninsulated pitched roofs. The condensation is routed onto the roof via the drain hose. Can be used in fans with nominal sizes DN 100, DN 125, DN 150 and DN 200.



Installation condensate separator retrofit set

1. CLASSIC 4-in-1 flat roof vent before the modification.

2. Undo the three screws and then remove the hood.

3. Mark the upper pipe approx. 4–5 cm above the flange top part.

4. Use a suitable tool to shorten the upper pipe.

5. Use PVC adhesive to fix the condensate separator retrofit kit on the upper pipe and then wait for 15-30 minutes.

6. Finally, replace the hood and use the screws to fix it. Ready.

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